Monday, January 28, 2013

Music Monday: That was nuts!

Wow. So, a lot happened on Friday, huh? Gave a mini-education session on infertility at 8:30 AM, got laid-off at 11:30 AM.

I just… wow. I mean, I was mostly expecting it. The company has let over 40 people go in the past four months, an additional 14 just ten days ago. With the busiest part of immunization season behind us, it was only a matter of time…

The first person I called was my mom. She’s with my sister in Texas right now, waiting for the latest grandchild to be born (currently five days overdue). She prayed for me, for our family, and for R's receiving of this news.

The next was my old boss, RC. We had lunch together on Thursday, so she was surprised to hear from me again so soon! And completely shocked that I had been let go. She immediately offered to get in touch with HR at her new company and promised to call me right back.

As I waited, I called my bestie, W. He is always so great at offering sympathy and immediately building up your self esteem.

I continued to drive home in the snow and thankfully arrived at the house while R was out picking up Little K. I pulled into the garage, closed the door, and had a rough, 30-second sob. It had been tough holding it together until I got off the road.

I went into the house, left a voicemail for my dad, and waited for R to get home. RC called me back and GUESS WHAT???

The head of HR, C, remembered me and wants me with them! At a minimum, there’s a three-month contract position and both C and RC are actively looking for a long-term fit for me with the company!

R pulled up as soon as I got off the phone with RC. While he wrapped up a few deals upstairs, I shot my resume over to C and filled out the online application. Once R was done, I told him about the contract position and followed up with the news that I had been laid-off.

(Thank you, Lord, for providing the news of the new position BEFORE I had to tell R about losing my job!)

R took the news well on Friday. I spent Saturday completing online applications for another two dozen jobs, just in case (including an Associate Children’s Pastor position with a local church), made and consumed an entire batch of meringues, and remembered that I have a standing offer from the manager at the local Pier 1 to join his team. (A long and slightly awkward story. Heh.)

And then, my necklace arrived:
If I had known two weeks ago that I would be laid off, I wouldn't have spent the money on this necklace. However, 24 hours after being let go, I was glad to open the package and see those three words: God is good.

God knew I would be laid off. As He provided me with scripture regarding TTC, He knew I would be applying those same principles today. That He is in control. That His plans are best and WILL happen. That He will provide. And that He is always good.

Thank you, Lord, that your provision. Thank you that you have a plan for us. Thank you that your plans are for success, not for failure. Thank you for promising us a future full of hope. Help us to recognize the opportunity You want us to pursue. Help us to have peace in the waiting. You are Good. Amen.

Phone interview for the contract position today! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do!


  1. Wow! Love how God works, glad you have another opportunity! Beautiful necklace too

    1. It's amazing how His plans are nothing like our own, huh? :-)

  2. I really hope the contract gig works out, you love it, and it ends up being long term! Wow, what a wild ride!

    1. It's definitely been a crazy week. I am SO glad to have such amazing support.

  3. Wow, what a story! What a day! How absolutely crazy. I can't believe how all of the pieces fell into place. So I'll just say... sorry about your old job and CONGRATS on the new opportunity. My husband started off a while back on a two week contract at, which grew to 3 months, then 6...until he was hired on and stayed for two years before forming his own company. So, you never know!

    1. Thanks! I was SO happy to be able to preface everything to R with the new opportunity. :-)
