Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Non-Dairy Lemon Curd

I had a bag of Meyer lemons about to go bad over here and that would just be a crime. Originally I had planned to make Smitten Kitchen's Whole Lemon Tart, which I adore, but I waited too long and neither the filling nor the crust are dairy free. *sigh* What is a girl to do? I mean, when life gives you lemons...

You make lemon curd, obviously. The curd I usually make has butter in it and, although I have vegan butter substitute, I didn't feel like making the change. Instead, I took to Google and found this amazing, wonderful, delicious, silky Non-Dairy Lemon Curd which completely blew my mind. I love it more than any other lemon curd I've ever had. Not sure if that's because of the lack of dairy or the Meyer lemons or both. Ah, sweet mysteries of life.

Always, always, always make this. And then an angel food cake. And then slice up some strawberries. So that you can put sliced strawberries on your cake and drizzle lemon curd over all. And then put it in your mouth and thank me.


  1. SHUT UP. That looks amazing. YUM!!!!! I'm too lazy to make it, so how bout you just invite me over for snacktime??!

  2. I'll have to try that this spring when we get strawberries in season.
