The Stats:
- 2 lb weight gain in two weeks, not too shabby
- Blood pressure 87/55, fantastic
- TDAP Booster Received
- Fundal Height 35 cm, measuring one week ahead
- Aaron's heart rate in the 150s
- Belly button has become completely flat but hasn't fully popped... yet
- Still no stretch marks
The Plan:
- Preemptive appointment with Lactation Consultant at 36 weeks
- Complete birth preference edits and provide at 36 weeks appointment
- Get back into walking daily, despite the cold weather (zero degrees with wind chill? NOOP)
- Begin researching dairy-free recipes in preparation for breastfeeding
- Sign up for new mothers ministry at church
It's late here - signing out!!
Wow can't believe you are 34 weeks! So excited and happy for you!