Man, I've been sounding pretty one-note over here. I'm sorry you guys! In fact, this whole summer I've been mostly silent except for baby making. The truth is that, with Little K gone, my life stays pretty quiet.
We have the boys with us for a few more days and the past six weeks with them have been fun. Work is still chugging along - I've been slammed the past two weeks and probably next week, too. We hit the beach earlier in the month. I made a second trip to Florida. I've rearranged the bonus room and added a sewing table. But it all feels so... well, not boring since I've been enjoying it all, but uneventful. Space and time fillers until Little K comes back home.
I wouldn't say that Little K is the center of my life but she certainly is a big part of my day to day living. True, I'm a wife and a daughter and an employee, as well as my own person, but I'm also a Mom. And, without my child around, my life feels somewhat incomplete. A part of me is missing, you know? All of the daily tasks of getting her ready for school, making lunch, picking her up, getting a snack, helping with homework, playing outside, cuddling with a movie, bath time, story time, bedtime... All of the little interactions and acts of love that make up motherhood are on hold until she comes home.
Last year, I had big plans for my summer: tackle my summer reading list, super clean the house, touch up paint, audition for a musical. All of that went on hold with my VIN diagnosis and surgery. This year, it was just one thing: get knocked up. And it worked! And along with that came nausea and lethargy. So, not much getting done this summer either.
Two more weeks. I can't wait for her to be home!
Glad she will be home in two weeks :)