Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Open Heart, Release (Happy) Tears

Thank you all so much for your excitement, congratulations, and support throughout this journey and especially over the past two days. I am so thankful for this community and for each one of you. My prayers for your family's growth and peace are still at the forefront of my thoughts. Each of you is so special to me and I'm glad to be with you on your own journey to parenthood.

We are overwhelmingly grateful for this pregnancy. After five years of wanting, three years of talking and praying, and six months of cycling, I was preparing my heart for it not work. But it did. It did! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this baby!!!

I know it's early, I know it's just the first beta. I know that so many things can still go wrong. But we are filled with excitement, hope, anticipation, and thankfulness. God is so good.

So far I have very few symptoms, certainly nothing that screams pregnant. My breasts are fine, my sense of smell is normal, my energy level is high. I am experiencing constipation, some slight cramping and a general soreness around my bikini area, getting overheated very easily, and getting nauseous when I'm hungry. And I'm having trouble staying asleep at night.

Lord, you are so very good. Thank you for blessing us with this pregnancy. I ask for Your hand of protection throughout the next nine months as this new life grows. Please, provide us with an uneventful pregnancy, a live and easy birth, and a child that thrives physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Prepare us to be the parent's this child needs and fill our hearts with peace. And, Lord, please let this child come to know You at an early age. Everything we are and everything we will become is a reflection of Your love and grace. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are so good. Amen.


  1. Amen! Makes my heart happy and puts a smile on my face! Praying with you over this little one!

  2. So glad that your prayers were answered.

  3. Amen and Amen!!!! Love your heart for the Lord. PS. I just ordered http://www.amazon.com/Supernatural-Childbirth-Jackie-Mize/dp/0892747560 this book and I'm recommending it to everyone is trying or is pregnant!! Let me know if you end up getting it. It was HIGHLY recommended to me and it looks/sounds awesome!


  4. Praying this prayer right alongside you.

  5. I'm still smiling over here. So happy for you :)
