Tuesday, June 11, 2013

CD13: Waiting, Update 1, Update 2

Update 2: Nurse M called me back and told me about her conversation with Dr. C. Basically, Dr. c said anything under 3.5 was perfect. Well then!! We are scheduled for 10:30 Thursday morning, Trigger tonight at 10:30 PM. I can't believe we're here!!


Update 1: I'm slightly confused. Progesterone came back at 2.8, which I thought would mean cancellation. However, the doctor reviewed my case and decided that I haven't ovulated yet. We have a call in at the appointment line to schedule an IUI for Thursday morning. Umm, yay? I dunno... The numbers have me concerned. I think my biggest issue is that it wasn't Nurse M who called me back. I left Nurse M a voicemail after I left the message on the appointment line. I just want her to tell me that 2.8 is still okay with DS. I didn't realize so much of my comfort was wrapped up with her. Waiting again!


Well! Let's not keep anyone in suspense, shall we? Today's follie scan looked good! We have three good contenders and one bringing up the rear. Woo-hoo!

Lining is a bit worrisome because the edges are no longer clearly defined. We are waiting on the numbers from the progesterone blood draw - if under 2, we will trigger tonight for a Thursday IUI.

I'll update as soon as we get the call. Fingers crossed!

100mg Clomid CD3-7

CD13 Scan
F1, Right: 29.5
F2, Left: 27.1
F3, Left: 22.4
F4, Left: 18.2
Lining: 11.9


  1. That sounds like amazing numbers to me! Good luck with this cycle. Beautiful follies :)

  2. Wow!! You are doing great! good luck :)

  3. I don't know much about the progesterone levels other than this: my RE said Progesterone is something that can change hourly... it's known to fluctuate based on time of day and even when you last ate. But your numbers look AWESOME!!!!! I'm excited for you! Hope all goes well on Thursday.... yay, cycle buddies!!!

  4. That levels does seem to indicate ovulation, but I am sure your doctor took other things into consideration before making the decision.
    Come on Thursday!

  5. Those are some nice numbers for the follicles. Good luck!

  6. Woohoo!!! Saying so many prayers for you!! xoxo

  7. Good luck! Looks like things are going well so far!

  8. Yay it's finally happening! Praying nothing happens to possibly delay it again.
