- Length: 29.5", 81%
- Weight: 18.5lbs, 19%
He did start crawling about 2.5 weeks ago and immediately went into standing/couch walking the next day. Eek! We now have a SUPER mobile baby and a great many baby gates around our house. Most of our pictures are blurry these days as we attempt to capture a smile before he crawls away!
We tried sleep training and, after three+ weeks, only got him to sleep 1 hour in the pack n play before needing to come back into our bed (and even that was with anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes of crying). I looked up how to sidecar his crib and we did that this week. So far it's going better with me nursing him to sleep in bed and then just shifting him over to the crib tethered to my side of the bed. It's still just an hour or so of sleep but there's no crying and we have a lot more space for the grownups to sleep.
Little Buddy has learned to crawl over to us and demand attention by pulling pants legs or lifting his arms to be picked up. We are trying to ask him if he wants "up" before picking him up to teach him an action word. He has been babbling "da-da-da-da-da" and "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba" for a couple months already, adding "muh-muh-muh" and "nuh-nuh-nuh" recently.
He still hates the bottle, ugh. We tried introducing a sippy cup which he likes to chew but not suck on. He does like drinking water from a cup while in the bath, though, so we'll see how that goes.
Little Buddy still cries when he's without mom or dad. I had to drop out of BSF since he wasn't tolerating the nursery and something similar happened with my small group, too. Little K has started spending time in the church nursery with her brother while I'm on stage singing, which has helped a bit but is still a delicate balance of will he/won't he cry. *sigh*
He loves the Christmas tree and Christmas lights outside. He cried when he met Santa. He dances when he hears music, especially in rehearsal with me. He naps best in the Ergo. He has four teeth with 4 more coming in. He whines when he's tired but talks and laughs a ton. He's completely perfect.
I am so thankful for this boy every single day.