Friday, August 17, 2012

Busy Bees

We have several things going on in our home. Perhaps a bulleted list will be best:
·         Little K comes home tomorrow! We are so stinkin’ excited. We have a Welcome Home Little K Party when she comes home after being away for the summer (it’s also a bit of a half-birthday party since her birthday is the day after Christmas), with decorations, a special meal, and a few gifts. We are all set for tomorrow – just need our girl back with us!
·         SSA has decided to live in SC with his mother. It’s a bitter pill for R, who has been raising SSA as a single dad since SSA was 2 months old. But SSA is 13 now and wants to be with his older brother. Prayers for peace and healing for R are appreciated.
·         Work has been absolutely nuts but I feel like we have made significant progress this week. Flu season is upon us and it’s time to get up ‘n go!
·         R is slowly coming around on the baby idea. Little comments this week (like “now we have room for the nursery” when packing SSA’s belongings and “it would be nice to raise a child together instead of in a broken home”) lead me to believe that R is holding up his end of the agreement by really trying to embrace the possibility of another child.
·         We have done the math for IVF with SSR, which is $12K. Today we started talking about home insemination with donor sperm. With my fertility record, our only reason for doing IVF is R’s vasectomy. And, at least for me, it’s more about being pregnant with and raising a child with R; I don’t feel strongly about it being genetically related to him. R likes the idea because it’s much less expensive. Still gathering information about that. Emailed my clinic coordinator this afternoon about sperm banks.
·         And a bit of the crazy has been leaking out. My last period started on June 21st. Which means that the hormones have been building for almost 8 weeks. Of course, all of the pregnancy tests are coming up negative. (Which, duh, vasectomy. Boooo.) I am beyond ready for my period to start. As I wait, I have been designing nurseries - two for a girl and one for a boy. Any votes on whether or not to post the inspiration boards?
So that’s where we are in dspence land. How are things with you?

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